Friday, August 13, 2010

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

"Beauty, like supreme dominion
  Is but supported by opinion" Benjamin Franklin
I want to thank Daily Spirit  for sharing her Beautiful Blogger award
with me today... her writing is inspirational, honest, deep and yet so easy to read!  But don't just trust me (especially after being called beautiful), check by yourselves! are some of my favorite posts from her blog:
Blog hopping
Remedies -the non -prescription kind
This is a great incentive and a major commitment for me to keep writing; if a single one of my posts has the power to motivate a reader to leave a comment, to feel the intention of the words, to laugh, then the purpose of sharing has been accomplished.
And please... don't hate me because I'm beautiful...hate me for believing it!     


  1. Congrats on the award!

    And that is an awesome quote too.

  2. Felicidades por tu premio Olguita, que sigas motivada y nos sigas compartiendo la belleza a través de tus ojos :)


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