Monday, September 20, 2010

Confident she was...a writing exercise

Last week Becky from Becky Povich * Writer - Humorist - Bliss Follower *  gave us a writing challenge accompanied with a nice incentive: to write a short story of 100 words or less, based on a picture she took during a trip to Iowa.

I've always liked the idea of writing literary pictures (check out Matryoshkas or The legend of the girl and the whale ), besides it was interesting to see if I was able to create a story from an image that was not familiar or was not taken by me. So I took the challenge and this is what my twisted-fantasty oriented mind came up with:

"Confident She was..."

Confident she was, looking at the flowers. Enchanted she was, by the colors and shapes, the sunshine and blue sky. She couldn’t tell if it was the beginning of the autumn flare or the last shades of summer, the fresh scents of honey and coffee or the magic sounds of wind chimes, but she was drawn by it. She had to get in. Little she knew what lied beneath. She didn’t notice that the big copper creature by the entrance was alive… and that it was the only thing around that casts no shadow.

Thanks a lot to Becky and her generous soul to open this space for us to play and dream - to open up our minds!!
Click here to read the winner story :  ** And the winner is....**


  1. Thanks, OJ, for submitting such a wonderful story. It truly was difficult to choose a winner, as I explained on my blog! And thanks for posting yours here! Have a marvelous, blissful day!

  2. I submitted something too. I love your story. Great imagination.

    I'm only recently dabbling in writing fiction and even poetry. Having fun with it. It takes me away from being so serious.

    Take care. Hope you're having fun.

  3. Love, love, love this story. I love the mystery it brings in such a few words and how we can let our imagination go wild and finish the story on our own :)

  4. This is wonderful, OJ. At truly chilling tale, and I love the ending. Your interpretation of the photograph is marvellous.

  5. thanks tons for your comments!! I am really thrilled that you liked it and found it chilling ;) @Myrna: please post yours! I would love to read it.

  6. Hey we have some serious writers around here! Who knew. Congratulations OJ! I absolutely loved it. Great job!!

  7. OJ---Reading your piece, as well as Claudia's, I feel like a blind fool...I completely missed/ignored the huge dragon. I fixated on the cacti and the fall flowers.

    I really like the way your piece ended...on the edge, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions.

    Perhaps you'd like to enter my contest? I'm not the "pro" at it like Becky, but it would get you writing again...

    Check it out at And thanks for posting your story. It is fun to find out the various directions writers went.

  8. Hi Olga and thank you for your kind comment on my BON day. This is my first visit here and it is good to meet you. I love the idea of the hundred words written aorund an image - your entry was both vivid and mysterious. The dragon does not cast a shadow ... how true...
    Have also been across to Becky's site and read the winner - I am impressed. What a difficult choice she and 'The Ronald' must have had!
    I will be back.

  9. Cool story OJ!! Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for stopping by and your wonderful comment.
    I hope that you have the most blessed Friday. Take care.

  10. I love that story, very nicely done - I keep going over the picture thinking the copper dragon is alive and not casting a shadow... there's another story there.

    I found you through the Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

    Come visit me when you have a chance

  11. I really like your story idea; you've left me wanting more! I've never seen a live dragon, but I know a shaman who says he sees them fairly often. How cool is that?

  12. Dear OJ: Very beautiful imagery and picture. I feel a wonderful sense of serenity and peace mixed with ambient magic!

  13. <a href="https://alfahad-almotamaye


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