Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Congratulations to all my genre partners…

Partners in sex, fashion, Rock&Roll
 Tenacity (but not stubbornness)
 Goodwill (but never foolishness)
 Pride (but not haughtiness)
 Virtue (but not sanctity)
 Beauty (sometimes subtle others overwhelming but always powerful)
 Intelligence (many times underestimated therefore evident).

If God wouldn’t have created us, Walt Disney would have invented us!!

·         Felicidades a todas mis congeneres de sexo,moda,rock&roll, tactica, estrategia, capacidad histrionica, gracia, tenacidad(que no necedad), buena voluntad(que no pendejez), soberbia(que no altivez), virtud(que no santidad), belleza(a veces sutil, otras desbordante pero todas contundente), inteligencia(tantas veces menospreciada y por lo mismo evidenciada).Si Dios no nos hubiera inventado, nos habria creado Walt Disney!


  1. Gracias por la pulcritud de tus palabras. Es un hecho que tenemos la obligación de procurar el espacio que deseamos, y más allá de enarbolar una bandera, debemos vivir el día a día en congruencia al rol que nos imaginamos.

  2. So nice to see you back. How can you go wrong in celebrating women? We're what makes this world worth staying on.

    Hope you are well.

  3. Friendship between women is something so strong that is only right to celebrate it and the women that make it happen. I'm so lucky you are my best friend and I know I can count on you always, that's why I celebrate YOU this day! I love you amiguita :)

  4. smiles. happy womans day...and i am so glad you all were created...how boring life would be without...

  5. Sorry I'm late and glad to see you have returned. We women... yes it is a celebration and I love the Disney quote :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  6. Great list, and I love it that you put tenacity and stubbornness in the same line. I was a very stubborn child and have grown into an extremely tenacious adult. The difference is the freedom that comes with age.

  7. O.J. - Just a note to tell you how glad I was to see a comment from you. I've missed you and thought about you often. Follow the pace of your heart, and write when you can. Take care.


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