Sunday, August 8, 2010

Flashback Sunday

Genre: Short Story/fantastic tale

I've got the idea of creating a sneeze page from the SITS girls site (follow the button on the left side bar, it is great!), and thought Sunday was a good day to feature some of my especial posts (past or new), grouped by genre.

After reading one of the latest post of one of my best friends,  a great writter with an amazing imagination and the ability to create a tale from an image, I would like to re-share with you some of my past posts honoring that style:

The legend of the girl and the whale

Dedicated to mi niece Mia and his first encounter with a sea creature...the moment was priceless.

Gus the whale

Eventhough is not a pure-short story, it was inspired by an image found in a bar in Vegas and the imagination of the bartender.

Y para mis lectores hispano-parlantes and the bilinguals:

el arbol

Written by my husband, inspired in our home in Mexico // Escrito por mi esposo, inspirado en nuestra casa en Mexico

Has estado alguna vez en un ejercicio de emergencia?

Written on a plain, on my way back from Oklahoma City, right after 9/11 //Escrito en un vuelo, regresando de la ciudad de Oklahoma, un poco después del 9/11.

I hope you liked the flashback experiment!


  1. What a great idea. I loved reading all those posts. It made my Sunday morning rich with prose and imagination. Tu esposo - que lindo. I love his sensitivity. You two must be a great pair.

    Thanks for enriching my day.

  2. I just wanted to say HI ... a big HI and thanks for your comments.

    also... great idea here. I will read each one!

    best to you! monkey ME

  3. Olga: está buenísima la idea!!! Ahora bien, me daría miedo emularla en mi blog. Es todo tan desorganizado, tan poco sistemático, tan espontáneo (para decirlo bonito) como las conversaciones con los mejores amigos. Y eso para mí lo hace difícil de catalogar, aunque no te voy a negar que me tienta, me tienta (soooplas!!!) la idea...



  4. I especially liked the legend of the girl and the whale. So simple and also so profound. Really lovely!


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